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Product Name : Frost • Pearl Snap Fastener
Material : Made of Brass
Colors & Finishes : Pearl • Silver-plated Resin; All Parts • Electroplate (Nickel)
Prong Length : 3.4mm ~ 9/64" approx.
Size & Quantity : A complete set of definition is as follows:-
A. Pearl • Dia 10.5mm ~ 13/32" approx. = 1 piece
B. Socket • Dia 9.5mm ~ 3/8" approx. = 1 piece
C. Stud • 9.5mm ~ 3/8" approx. = 1 piece
D. Lower Prong • Dia 9mm ~ 23/64" approx. = 1 piece
![]() | SAMPLE SET - Please understand that the color samples displayed on this website are computer-simulated colors and may not match the actual product colors you receive. For reliable and accurate results, you can purchase one set of each color for viewing - Click Here for additional online sample version. *After clicking, please wait a few seconds for the product image to load. |
![]() | SNAP PLUS - The list above may contain a complete set of tool option you can consider buying. Please note that this tool is designed to work with our Colorsnaps products. For best performance, we do not recommend using third-party products to attach our snap buttons. |
⚡ Note : Do not use corrosive substances to clean all parts, and do not use sharp objects to scratch, so as not to discolor or crack the surface. Pick a safety place your children can't reach.
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